
Dry Erase Board Decorating Ideas

Chalkboard walls and boards were very popular and they still are. There are lots of ways in which you can incorporate them into your home. But they're not the only option. Dry erase boards are quite similar but they present a series of distinct characteristics. First of all, they tend to look more modern, simple and clean. They are dust-free and they allow you to use different colors when writing. They are also very versatile and can be incorporated in any room's design and décor.

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For example, your kids would definitely love to have a dry erase board in their bedroom. And since it's difficult to find the space for this type of items, you can opt for a dry erase closet door. It would simply be a regular door with extra options. They can use it to draw, write and scribble all sorts of things. It can even be helpful when doing homework.

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A dry erase board would also be very helpful in the kitchen. You can use it to write and compose grocery lists, to write messages and notes and it can be a great tool that can help you organize your space and your time. You may even use the board to write recipes or time schedules and it would all be displayed where you can see it.

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As we all know, young children tend to have a passion for writing and doodleing on the walls. To avoid that you can incorporate a dry-erase board in their room's décor and let them know that it's a space designated specifically for that type of activities. It would be a nice educational tool as they grow up as well.

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There's no doubt about the fact that dry erase boards are excellent in offices. But it's up to you to find a way to incorporate them in the décor. A clever and ingenious idea would be to build a whiteboard desk. It would be a desk with a dry erase board used as a top. This way whenever you need to write something down you can just use your desk.

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In the laundry room there are also all sorts of things that could be written on a board. By including a dry erase board in your laundry room you can use it to write schedules, notes, reminders and all sorts of useful things. Use different colors to highlight certain elements and make sure everything is clean and organized.

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In the case of an office or home office, whenever you have several projects going on, it can be useful to have one or several boards where you can write and add relevant information. A dry erase board would be perfect. Be clever and turn it into a magnetic board as well so you can add notes and additional info if needed.

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A creative mind always wants to share its passion with other people. An interesting idea in this case would be to have a large dry erase board somewhere on the terrace, deck or even in your home and to allow your kids and their friends to express themselves and to give them a place where they could all get creative and explore their talents.

Picture sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7.

About the author

She may not be very fond of people, finding them annoying most of the time, but she still enjoys helping them from the shadows. Her attention to detail drives others crazy yet remains her most appreciated characteristic.

Dry Erase Board Decorating Ideas


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